
A simple widget for interactive EDA / QA for those who use Pandas in Jupyter Notebook.


nagapv/edexplore | https://pypi.org/project/edexplore/

Hello World!#

Here is the new EDExplore for interactive EDA and QA.

Many of us explore a lot of data in a given day, asking ourselves various questions and/or looking for insights. We end up using some functions or conditions repeatedly every hour, for each dataset, r.e.p.e.a.t.e.d.l.y! May it be exploring a new dataset, validating or verifying the quality, ensuring dataset integrity, etc. Yes, you are in the right place!

There are a few widgets / GUIs for Pandas (on Jupyter Notebooks) already out there. Compared to them, Interact in EDExplore is neither fancy nor heavily loaded with features but a simple interactive function!

That is being said, why this extension matters? Because -

  1. It simplifies the Pandas dataframe usage (even more)!

  2. Makes it easy to apply most common conditions.

  3. Helps combine multiple conditions without coding effort.

  4. Readable samples!

  5. Is a plain interactive widget.

The EDExplore should make the EDA and QA processes more easy and let the analyst think of new and challenging tasks instead of what existing condition should be written next to verify the data!

Please share your feedback and help me improve it! You can write to me at npv3105 at outlook.com :)

How to install?#

python -m pip install edexplore

If you want to do it locally:-
After downloading / extracting the code, go to the directory (in command line) for installation:
python -m pip install . OR pip install .

At times, you may need to enable the ipywidgets notebook extension:
jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension

How to use?#

import pandas as pd
from edexplore import interact
df = pd.read_csv("xzy.csv")

Here is the detailed reference with screenshots.

Copyright (c) 2024 Nagaprakash Venkatesan , MIT License